Now selling on Saturdays! - come see me at the Fort Walton Fairgrounds Farmers Market soon!


The world has certainly been seeing some trying times lately.. what harm could a little more sugar do? Join me with my family and friends as we start to share a little more love, cookies and kind words with one another. The sweet treats along with your sweet messages will make our journey all worth while.
That amazing feeling you get.. when you taste something on a higher level, that you know has a ton of care, instinct, love, and history behind it..
I gained my depth of knowledge about (and solidified my love for) food in culinary school. The vast intricacies and technicalities of the art simply fascinate me! It was actually really funny to me, because for some reason all my classmates assumed I was there specializing in baking and pastry, but I really enjoy cooking ALL types of food!
The baking and pastry part just comes naturally to me (which is sometimes an aspect of cooking that savory chefs struggle with.) I just happened to discover a deeper appreciation for my knack while I was in school. The baker in me comes down directly from my mother, and my mothers mother, and my fathers mother. All three matriarchs were (and ARE) down right adored for their exemplary skills in dessert creation. I think all four of us got blessed to inherit and possess an instinctual ability to know the way a candy, cake, cookie, or confection should feel, come together, look, smell, and ultimately delight your taste buds.
These are the feelings and sensations that I'm hoping to share with you and our already stunningly beautiful world. Warmth, kindness, and sweet delights!
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